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RE: tr3b on ebay

To: "'Randall Young '" <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>, "' '" <>
Subject: RE: tr3b on ebay
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:26:39 -0600
Randall Young wrote:

>I suppose part of the issue is : If the 
>'restorer' made such obvious mistakes,
>what other cases of "well, that's good 
>enough" lurk under that nice paint job ?

Excellent point, and a question that I assume anyone on this list would ask
[him/her]self when considering a purchase. I suspect that there are more
folks with $17000+ to spend on a car than there are people who REALLY know
what to look for in a TR3B.

>why you would want a tonneau peg missing 
>or the trunk handle backwards is beyond me

I only wish that the "detail defects" in my own car were as simple and as
easy to cure as a missing tonneau peg and a backwards trunk handle. I agree
that they may well be evidence of deeper problems - or they may just be two
of the dozen or so minor anachronisms that need attention. 

I'm led to believe that cars are frequently bought on eBay without a
personal examination (Yikes!) and that many of the "sales" are never
consummated because the buyer backs out - for reasons as disparate as the
car not looking as shiny as it did in the photos, or the high bidder turning
out to be a 15 year old kid with a computer and an active imagination.

Personally, having a sound TR4A engine in a TR3B wouldn't bother me in the
slightest - until the time came to sell it, when the market for would be
limited to buyers who feel the same as I do. I'm sure it would matter a
great deal to some, but I doubt that those are the folks bidding on the car
in question.

>there's a world of difference between a 
>restored car and one that just looks
>nice ... including what it's worth.

Ain't that the truth!

Jim Hill
Madison WI
TR6 Vintage Race Car
"Assembled from the Sturdiest and Speediest Bits 
 of Assorted TR6's from 1969 through 1975"

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