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RE: TR3B with 'wrong' (TR4) engine

Subject: RE: TR3B with 'wrong' (TR4) engine
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 10:21:01 -0800
According to California's DMV web site, closed crankcase ventilation was not
required until 1963.  And, as I recall, OEMs were not required to make
modifications just for CA until 1971.

My 1967 Plymouth Valiant was an original CA car, which had the state
mandated "additional emissions control" which consisted of a vacuum leak
instead of the vacuum advance module.  But, it was added by the dealer, not
by the factory.

I've seen enough TR3Bs and early TR4s with that brass plug (all identical)
that I believe they were built that way by Triumph, not modified later.
According to the Moss catalog, the closed system was not introduced until
CT23594, well after the end of TR3B production.

Further, the TR3B on eBay actually has the PCV system, which was not
introduced by Triumph until the TR4A.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:

> But it seems possible that some late TR3Bs
> might have had some "closed" breather system via the vent or port in the
> valve cover, particularly those sold in California. I seem to
> recall that CA
> required PCV a year or so -- 1961, perhaps? -- before the rest of
> the US. My
> own (soon to be Brad's, but aren't most Triumphs? :-) ) TR3B has
> the early
> TR4-style valve cover with the brass plug fitted where the vent
> hose later
> was taken off.
> --Andy Mace

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