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The good news the bad news (long post)

To: <>
Subject: The good news the bad news (long post)
From: "ronald babbitt" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 22:43:37 -0500
Hi List,

            Finally I found an overdrive all synchro transmission for my
Tr3a that
was at the right price. That's the good news!! " Now the rest of the story"

As I  waited with childish anticipation  for the arrival of what some people
would have thought was my first born, I finally received the call from my
wife "It's here".  Time seemed to move so slowly as I watched the clock  for
our lunch break to begin. On the stroke of the clock I raced out to the
parking lot jumped into my  car and sped to my wife business. Leaping from
the car and grinning from ear to ear  I rushed into the building.  I began
franticly searching the  offices, like a hunting dog on the trail of a covey
of quail.   As I turned the corner their she was standing right in front of
me. Oh how beautiful, that's when my wife, she said "It's in the back".  I
quickly kissed her on the cheek just so she wouldn't be jealous of the new
love in my life. I headed towards the dock. Passing through what seemed to
have been a hundred different doors I finally arrived. There she was all
wrapped  up just waiting for me to pick her up. With my heart beating so
hard I could feel  it in my throat and beads of sweat running down the sides
of my face I kneeled down in front of her. I began wiping my hands, first on
my knees then on my thighs just to remove the clammy moisture.  As I stopped
to reflect on the moment at hand my brother in law  placed his hand on my
shoulder and with an encouraging voice he persuaded me to proceed and
her, so we all could see how she looked.  For we could see no evidence of
exterior deformation.  Joy filled the room! I was beaming with pride.
Suddenly and with out notice my joy turned to sorrow.
Everyone could see the pain on my face, they all began shouting! what's
what's wrong?. Without speaking a word I proceed to roll her over for no one
had seen what I had.  I Dropped my head and began mumbling she damaged,
look "she damaged " . For she had a broken top cover casting.  Their it was
just lying their, in the bottom of the box.  Just snapped off !!  Apparently
some one had dropped her on the way to delivery.  My heart fell to my
stomach.  Oh how painful.  How will I ever forget this moment.  What do I do

Truly in pain
Ronnie Babbitt

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