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Re: history( WAY off topic)

To: <>, " TR list" <>
Subject: Re: history( WAY off topic)
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 00 09:02:34 -0800
>French, they helped but I have always felt that they have just gone along
>with whoever as long as they could keep their relaxed lifestyle going.

Historically Americans and French have had a close relationship and a 
strong bond.  The American revolution would have failed if the French had 
not entered into the fighting on the side of the American 
revolutionaries.  The blockade made up of the French fleet made the 
difference in the end.

During the war of 1812 we were allied with the French once again against 
the British.  It was the help of French troops on American soil fighting 
alongside our ancestors that kept us from loosing that war.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift of the French people to the American 

Before WWII the French and the Americans had very close ties and were the 
closest of allies.

Post WWII France emerged very nationalistic and very defensive about 
their culture (Almost as defensive as the Canadians of French descent).

Personally I think it is sad that the Americans and French people have 
lost that special bond that we once have had.  Of all countries we used 
to be the closest of friends.  Now whenever I visit France I have felt 
animosity from French people wherever I have gone.


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