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Re: history

Subject: Re: history
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 09:02:18 -0800
References: <OF83F43AE9.23D81DA2-ON852569A5.005B6C1A@com>
Folks, it appears to me that we have been invaded by a Child..note 
the .edu address on the mail, and virginia to boot!  I for one am 
adding that address to my list of messages to filter directly to the 
I think it would be in all of our best interest to do the same, 
further response only insure further childish posts, none of which 
either are interesting, relate to Triumph, or are worthy of our time.

In My Humble Opinion.

ps: rotoflex U-Joints worked just fine on my Lotus 23B...ahh but that 
was so many years ago  <G>

>It must be the IRISH in me!  heheheheheeheh
> on 11/28/2000 11:08:39 AM
>Please respond to
>Sent by:
>To:   Fred Thomas <>
>Subject:  Re: history
>On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Fred Thomas wrote:
>I don't know what got Nathan to ranting, and it is certainly NOT very nice
>ranting, but he does need to study his history a bit more.
>Besides, none of this belongs on this mail list!
>>  Nathan said the following ===
>>  Who cares what the french think of us. America is still big man on
>>  we can still kick anybody's ass on the planet.  Besides they are just
>>  pissed that they had to ask us to come save their asses from the Nazis.
>>  French are pussies.  Brits too.
>>  Nathan
>>  Nathan, we won WW11 because of help from the English, French, & all
>>  on the European continent, not alone, alone we won in Granada, and
>>  alone we lost in Korea, and Vietnam, no wonder some Americans have
>>  voting, they have no idea who they are, with someone like you speaking,
>>  we'll lose what little respect we do have left in this world.
>>  P/S = Randal, it's not the 1st of the year yet.  "FT"
>James A. Ruffner

Bill Pugh
aka Wily
1957 TR-3
aka Casper

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