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To: "" <>
Subject: gearbox
From: Bob Labuz <>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 13:21:47 -0500
Organization: Adirondack Minerals
Thanks to all who answered about my "top hat" bush. Since a new bush may
have to be "reamed" to fit both the shaft and gear, would a local
machine shop be able to do this for me? If so how much $ am I looking

All seem to agree that the bush is of poor design. So since the cracking
is almost expected, Is the point of replacing the bush just to get the
correct amount of end float ? It seems that the bush will crack sooner
or later even in a freshly rebuilt transmission. Any thoughts here?

Now I have another question. Acting before thinking, I disassembled the
3/4 gear hub/sleeve assembly for cleaning. Now I dont have a clue of how
it goes back together. The hub seems to be able to go either way. There
is a slight difference where one side has a smooth 45 degree angle to
the center where the other side is more  of a right-angle or grove. Am I
guessing correctly that the smother side faces towards the rear(3rd
gear) and the groved end faces towards the input shaft?

As far as the sleeve, It appears that the shorter end faces towards the
3 rd gear and the longer faces towards the input shaft. Is this correct?

One of these days I am going to remember to either photograph or write
down this information. My memory is not what it used to be.

Bob Labuz

1958 TR3A
1974 T140V

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