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Seeking advice on TR6 inertial reel seatbelts

Subject: Seeking advice on TR6 inertial reel seatbelts
From: Cregg Cowan <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 17:30:28 -0800
Hi Friends,

I'm seeking advice about 3-point, inertial reel seat belts to replace the 
lap belts in my 71 TR6.

Multiple styles seem to be available:

- Rimmer Bros (part# RL1163), TRF(part# ZKC3303), and Vicky Brit (part # 
12-498) seem to be the same or similar.
- The Oct 2000 Moss catalog (TRS-11) shows two additional options on p. 24 
and p 130 as part # 222-005 and 222-020 (though curiously, I can't figure 
out which picture is which).  These seat belts mount to the B post in some 
undescribed way.

Anyone have good or bad experiences to share?

Cregg Cowan
71 TR6
Mountain View, California

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