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Re: TR£ long road back

To: "David Massey" <>
Subject: Re: TR£ long road back
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 08:04:23 -0000
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Message text written by Bill & Skip Pugh
>Dave hit it right on the nose...according to Piggott's book, the
TR2/3 marking was used to differntiate from the Vangard blocks, which
by the way also had a different location for the Oil dipstick hole
(in front of the Distributor for the TRs and behind for the Vangaurds)

Dave Massey wrote
As JohnMac stated, since precious few saloons were imported to the US
end to forget about them and the commonality between them and the
cars.  Heralds being the exception - mostly due to the untiring
efforts of

Dave - the point I was trying to make was that engine blocks were
segregated between Vanguard, TR - and probably tractor engines as
well, regardless of the market in which they ended up. Casual
identification with painted or chalked numbers was not to segregate
engines for TR or Vanguard for the US market in isolation. It was to
identify which build line took which bare block. In those days there
was no fundamental engine difference as in later years. Painted engine
ID's appeared periodically on UK domestic and other export market
power units as well.


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