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Re: Positive Ground vs Negative Ground

Subject: Re: Positive Ground vs Negative Ground
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 11:48:48 -0700
Cc: Triumph Newsletter <>
References: <>
I agree entirely with Dave (for once <g>), but he forgot to mention
switching the connections to the ignition coil.

Also, an alternative method of polarizing the generator (with fewer
sparks) is to start the engine, then remove the cap to the regulator and
force the cutout contacts closed.  Replace the cap.

59 TR3A - negative ground and loving it

David Massey wrote:
> The only compelling reason to change is to add modern sound equipment or an
> alternator.  Some will argue that service personell might try to jumpstart
> your car with the wrong polarity (expecting the negative to be earthed) but
> the ability to post bold warnings and the rarity of this event makes it a
> judgement call.  I have left my TR3 positive ground for the same reason I
> bought the car: because it si different!

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