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Rimmer Bros Survey

Subject: Rimmer Bros Survey
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 09:38:22 -0400
G'day, Listers. I located the Rimmer Bros letter I mentioned yesterday. As
Dear Club Secretary,

Subject: Worldwide Survey

Rimmer Bros have decided that it is time that the Triumph Population was

We invite each of you to play your part in this exercise. The objective is
simple; by country, we need to know how many of each marque are still on the
road or being made ready to go on the road. Can we ask you to complete the
following from your club records or any other source you have access to.

1. How many of the following are there in your country?

TR2: ______     TR3/3A/3B: ______       (etc for all models, incl. Toledo,
Dolomite, etc - Spits/GT6s separated by Mk#)

2. What is your source?

3. Do the figures only include your members? Yes/No? ____

All participants in this survey will be acknowledged and the final analysis
will be shared with you. Any data you supply will remain confidential. May
we ask that data is returned to us by the end of October. We will then
endeavour to produce the final analysis by year end.

Thank you for your assistance. If we can help you in any way, please do not
hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,
Terry Bawden
Business Development
(Me again - JD)
While this is an ambitious goal to track down all the Triumphs in existence,
I think it would be interesting to have the List do its part to help out, as
the majority of Triumphs ended up here in North America (TR's at least). Any
club info Listers can access would help out a lot as well. Stepping off my
soapbox, I remain - JD (Cheers!)

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