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Re: Fluif & Fliuf

To: Triumphs <>
Subject: Re: Fluif & Fliuf
From: Douglas Frank <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 14:43:27 -0400
References: <> <>
Joe Curry wrote:
> Needless to say, the term stuck and now I am shackled with the moniker 
>(fluif-man), but I've been called worse!!!  :)

Nae, Joseph, me laddie, ye are tha fluifMEISTER.
Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp.  Larceny, n.  A sturdy fiber
ZKO           110 Spit Brook Rd.      of which the human heart is
603-884-0501  Nashua, NH USA 03062    more or less composed.

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