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Re: Fluif & Fliuf

To: The Hubbards <>
Subject: Re: Fluif & Fliuf
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 22:48:00 -0700
Cc: Triumphs Digest <>
References: <>
Since you asked, and I am the most likely one to explain fluif, here goes.

About 3 years ago, there was a thread on what brake fluid to use.  In my zeal 
and lacking a proper spell checker, I accidentally typed
the word "fluif" instead of fluid.  Someone (I either forget who or else am 
mentally suppressing the name) picked up on the error and
the thread quickly switched from what fluid to use to what exactly fluif is!  

Needless to say, the term stuck and now I am shackled with the moniker 
(fluif-man), but I've been called worse!!!  :)

Joe (fluif-man) Curry

The Hubbards wrote:
> OK, as I'm not a list veteran, and this keeps coming up, will someone
> enlighten me?  If you do this I'll explain the rules of "Mornington
> Crescent".

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