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TR-6 Trailing arm question

To: "Patrick Bitton" <>
Subject: TR-6 Trailing arm question
From: David Massey <>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 19:18:20 -0400
Cc: "Triumph" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Patrick Bitton"
>I noticed on one of my trailing arms that the rubber stopper broke inside
the arm. I tried to drill it out and I can't see to drill a hole through
bolt. I have another trailing arm that I thought I can use and while trying
to remove the old bushings, I lost control of my drill and scraped the
part of the bushing hole. My question is...Is my trailing arm useless now?
Can I still use it even though I have a noticable gash inside the hole?
it affect the stability if the trailing arm?

Thanks in advance,




Remember, the only purpose of the threads in the tapped hole are to keep
the bump stop in place inbetween the rare ocasions that it comes into use. 
There is really no tension on the part except the inertial effects of the
bump stop.  If some of the threads are still there you may have no
problems.  Can you screw the new bump stop into the hole and will it stay? 
Grab the base of the bump stop with a pair of pliers and pull on it.  If
you can't pull it off it ain't coming off on its own.  Use locktight just
ot be sure.

Good luck.  And this is a very common problem.  I've been there.  I forgot
exactly what I did about it, though.

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