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To: "Triumph Mailing List" <>
Subject: re:DHL
From: "Mark the Shark" <>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 16:42:27 -0400charset="Windows-1252"
I've been following this thread with interest since I do order from Rimmer's
and agree that paying this additional "fee" is unfair.  I wrote Richard
Sharp who is the sales manager at Rimmer's telling him about the thread and
how people were pretty upset with having to pay this additional charge.

Mark Ascherl
1981 TR8 DHC FI
Raleigh, NC

Here is his response:

Mark.... thanks for info.  Please pass on our concerns to the 'Triumph'
public. We agree 100% that this is unfair. Have spoken to DHL Territory
Manager here in UK. Passed on complaints. I am expecting a reply later
today. UPS charges were apparently built into the shipping charges, which as
you know were higher than DHL. UPS also charged
for 'volume' that DHL do not, so overall the charges will still be
less........ however we will still put up a good fight at our end.......
contracts are contracts!

Next update soon!


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