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Re: TRF Summer Party

Subject: Re: TRF Summer Party
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:38:08 EDT
In a message dated 00-08-22 20:08:56 EDT, writes:

 Indeed it was - anybody know who won what on Sunday - we left at around
 2pm when the kids got cranky knowing the TR6 had probably only
 collected a couple of votes from MG friends.... 


This was my first Summer Party, so I can't compare it to previous ones, but I 
had a great time and look forward to next year.  TRF staff worked very hard 
and did a fine job.  Charles sure has a nice back yard!

I watched the drags on Friday.  I saw one of the TR8's run a high 13, and 
Richard Good's wife told me on Sunday that she won top eliminator in the 
bracket racing format.

Richard Good won FTD at Saturday's autocross in the TR6. 

Best of show on Sunday went to the black Sports Six (I think).  The black 
TR250 won its class.  A red TR4A (with TR250 fender and door chrome) won its 
class.  Black MGA with supercharger was a winner.  Grey MGB-GT, owned by list 
member Bill Dewar of NJTA was second in class. Those are the only ones I 

I stayed long enough to witness the re-opening of the street to regular 
traffic not wanting the weekend to end!

There was a TR4 with a Judson supercharger there.  Anyone know who owns that 

I got to TRF Thursday evening.  Coming from the west on route 22, taking the 
403 exit, I saw a guy setting up a series of signs on the exit ramp.  They 
were still there Friday morning, but gone by Friday noontime.  Did anyone 
else notice them?

Rich Rock
Pottstown, PA

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