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TR with OVERDRIVE - Do's and Don'ts

To: Triumph Newsgroup <>
Subject: TR with OVERDRIVE - Do's and Don'ts
From: jmwagner <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 22:50:05 -0700
I have owned and driven TR's since I was 15 in 1977.   Most of the
driving was done in TR 4A's or a TR 7, though I owned some others for
short periods...  Along with a myriad of other makes and models of cars
and motorcycles....

In that time... I've never had a car with an overdrive like the one
found in the early TR's... and now I have one in my TR 4A....all fresh
and rebuilt...

Subsequently...  I'd like to hear from the group... the DO's and DON'T's
for shifting and maintaining this type of transmission.   I would rather
learn from those who have been there, rather than learn by trial and
error...potentially damaging my new transmission.

I think it would be a good thread for others too, who may be considering
an upgrade to an O.D. trans also... Or are purchasing a TR with one,
etc. etc.  Or maybe a few old dogs, who have had an O.D. since they
bought their TR new from the dealer... might learn a new trick!   Who


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