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Re: Trying to find a specific TR3 colour

Subject: Re: Trying to find a specific TR3 colour
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 08:53:34 -0700
References: <>
        I am new at the list, unknown to most, but...I have been on 
the Mac-Managers list (professional Macintosh Systems 
Administrators), and they use a scheme that might be of some 
interest/use to the Group.

        When a problem is posted to the list, all members are asked 
to reply ONLY to the one who posted.  Then, when all/most of the 
replies have been digested by the poster, he/she is asked to post a 
SUMMARY, to the list.  What this does is to reduce the bandwidth of 
cross  posts and redundant posts to the list.
        Having said all that, I do enjoy the list, and all it's 
postings, but then I am retired and don't have that much to do, 
(except play with my TR-3).  The Mac-Managers also has a "list-mom" 
who monitors the list and gently (most of the time) reminds the 
posters to reply only to the original post.
        They also maintain an archive on a web-site of all posts, but 
that may be way too much work for anyone who is just trying to enjoy 
their passion/hobby/motorcars.
        I make this post to the list in the sincere and earnest 
desire to help and possibly improve our little? community.

Bill Pugh
aka Wily Coyote
1957 TR-3A

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