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RE: Trying to find a specific TR3 colour

To: "'Pat'" <>, TRlist <>
Subject: RE: Trying to find a specific TR3 colour
From: "Musson, Carl" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 01:22:46 -0400
The color sample you see on the tr-color page is Silvertone grey (58-61 -
DuPont 83743/PPG 51943) and is much lighter than a Gunmetal Grey (62-67 -
PPG 12924) that was popular on the GT6's which has to my eye a blue cast to
it.    Another option is a color called Phantom Grey (59-61 - DuPont 83739)
that is darker grey without the blue of the Gunmetal.  

It is very possible that the color of the car in the picture is Gunmetal.
It is the only example of a grey car I could find out on the web. (my
apologies to the owner - I didn't make note of where I found it)

Also, color doesn't transfer well to images and is very dependent on your
monitor.  In all likelihood, the grey you see is different than the grey I
see on our respective monitors.  


-----Original Message-----
From:   Pat []
Sent:   Thursday, August 10, 2000 1:08 AM
To:     TRlist
Subject:        Trying to find a specific TR3 colour

Today while out and about my wife and kids saw a "TR2/3" (they think..
fairly sure....) that is a "Smokey Blue/Grey". Unfortunatly they did not
stop to ask the owner, nor get a licence plate !

As I'm getting near having to figure out a colour to paint my tub I need to
find out if this is a stock TR3 colour or not. And MOST important, a clear
picture of it and it's name.

In my colour charts there is a Gunmetal in 1963-65 that is decriped as "Gray
Could this be it ?
Does anyone have a picture of their car in this possible colour, or a web
sight ?
As my TR is a 1957 am I out of line painting it a 1963 colour do you think ?

There is a web page with a
possible "Sighting"... second down on the right... is this it ?

Hey, this is the most interest she has shown in my "Hunk of Junk" project
car yet !! Are things looking up ?

Thanks for all your help, I come to rely alot on your collective wizdom !
Thanks all. Pat

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