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RE: Transmission woes

To:, TRlist <>
Subject: RE: Transmission woes
From: "Riggs, R Kevin" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 12:50:42 -0700
Please reply to the list (or at least copy me in your reply to Dennis).  My
72 non-OD TR6 also pops out of third, though only on deceleration.  The box
was rebuilt twice -- once by TRF, and once by a local mechanic, and has less
than 3k miles on either rebuild.  But it has used (don't have a book with
me, don't remember the proper terminology) "syncro hubs"? in it.  Big fat
assemblies with lots of little ball bearings and springs...  TRF claimed the
used items were within tolerance.  I sent one set back (because my local
mechanic didn't like them), and TRF (here, I think we're really talking
about C.A.R.?) sent me another used set, which my mechanic grudgingly
installed.  When it still popped out of 3rd gear, he gave me my money back
and threw up his hands.

What's involved in repairing this?  I do fine with big greasy/rusty nuts &
bolts, and I don't mind fiddling with small bolt-on parts.  But I've always
been shy of messing with critical internal components.

Kevin Riggs

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 2:40 PM
> To:
> Subject:      Transmission woes
> Fellow LisTRs -
>       Once again, I come looking for help.  The J-type OD that I had
> installed in my
> 76 TR6 this past May is acting up.  It popped out of 3rd gear once or
> twice
> 2 weeks
> ago and I didn't think much of it.  Now, however, it simply will not stay
> in 3rd gear.
> It pops out regularly, even when under power.  It'll stay in 3rd if you
> hold it in, but even
> then you can feel it trying to pop out.  None of the other gears seem to
> be
> similarly
> affected.  I'm going to take the tranny out of the car and am planning to
> take it back
> to the guy who re-built it back in February, but would like to tap the
> collective wis-
> dom of the list first to see what might be wrong. Any ideas and/or best
> guesses
> are welcome.  I'd hate to have to go back to my non-O/D transmission,
> especially
> with a rather long trip to the VTR Regionals coming up in a few weeks, but
> I need
> the car to be reliable.  Thanks for any and all input.
> Dennis Culligan / 1976 TR6 CF57948U(O) - TR6IUMPH / Highland ,NY/
>                           DNCULLIG@US.IBM.COM
> See for info about our club

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