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Re: TR4 starter problem -- or not?

To: "Martin A. Secrest" <>
Subject: Re: TR4 starter problem -- or not?
From: David Massey <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 16:50:59 -0400
Cc: Geo Hahn <>, TR <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Martin A. Secrest"
>I would have agreed with you, intuitively, but my GT6's recent slow
problems were cured only once I replaced the original solenoid.  Isn't it
possible that a poor solenoid internal connection could prevent the full
necessary current draw for turning the starter?  Is this another Curry Law?


Consider this:

The starter on a GT6 draws about 300 amps.  That means that the impeadance
of the starter is 12/300 or 0.04 ohms.  If the contact resistance of the
solenoid were to become 0.04 ohms also then the total circuit resistance
would be 0.08 ohms.  This circuit would draw 150 amps and each device
(starter and solenoid contacts) would see 6 volts.  6 volts times 150 amps
is 900 watts.  If you put 900 watts into the contacts of the starter
solenoid you would generate a bunch of heat and before too long you would
weld them together.

Now the question:  Can this scenario actually exist?  I suppose it could if
you don't try to crank too long at any one time.  But it would get
progressively worse.

So can the solenoid cause this?  Probably so. But not for long.


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