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RE: TR6 Brake Booster Help? Yeah Right!!

To: <>, "Triumph List" <>
Subject: RE: TR6 Brake Booster Help? Yeah Right!!
From: "Andy Dixon" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 12:28:16 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
There was a thread on this about three weeks ago. I know because I gave my
spare booster to the person that needed one. If you'd busted yours before
him you'd have it now. Didn't you read the thread three weeks ago?
Diagnostics haven't changed since then.
I send questions all the time that don't get answered, it's nothing to cry
about. Though I see that's getting to be the trend. Maybe that's another
reason why those good people left the list.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 11:47 PM
To: Triumph List
Subject: TR6 Brake Booster Help? Yeah Right!!


Rant Mode On:

I want to thank ALL of those on the list that responded to my request
for help regarding my busted brake booster...wait a minute I only got
one response.  Thanks James Ruffner.  Other than that the response was

I guess the list could care less about my freakin brakes when there's
more important topics to discuss like waving at each other, going/not
going to car shows, and business ethics!

I know there's people on the list that have knowledge of brake boosters
and I've seen them posting on here today so I know they've probably seen
my request and ignored it.

Where the hell's the help that this list is supposed to be so famous
for.  All I can say is Thank God for cause I WAS able to
get some help from past posts on the subject by some very knowledgable
Triumph people who have since left the I'm beginning to
understand why.

Chat On!!

Rant Mode Off:

Nomex underwear on, but don't bother cause I ain't answering posts


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