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Re: TR6 Brake Booster Help? Yeah Right!!

Subject: Re: TR6 Brake Booster Help? Yeah Right!!
From: Tony Gordon <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 20:31:00 -0400
The issue of list-etiquette has been well dealt with (and I agree with Dave 
and others), and I have nothing more to add on that front.  However, the 
Triumph list is a very diverse list (and has been pointed out, not all 
listers are TR6 owners anyway).

For questions that are specific to the '6, it is worth posting them on the 
6pack list ( as well since that list deals with that 
model.  I would add that there is also another reason -- every list often 
finds that there is a lister with such encyclopedic knowledge that there 
are few things they cannot assist with -- the 6packlist has such a person 
in Dick Taylor.  Dick is the mechanical and chassis equivalent of Dan Masters!

Tony Gordon

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