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TR6 Question

Subject: TR6 Question
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 18:45:29 EDT



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Full-name: Tobermory9
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 18:42:59 EDT
Subject: TR6 Question


Hi fellow listers - 
I'm forwarding on a question that I have also sent to Irv Korey who is a 
local lister and fellow club member, but I'm looking for all the input I can 
get.  If anyone else has had this problem I'd love your insight.  Please 
remember that I'm a mechanical zero - I just don't want to hurt my car.  If 
you have additional questions about the symptoms, I'm only all too happy to 

Thanks & regards,
Paula Keats

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Full-name: Tobermory9
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 18:36:13 EDT
Subject: TR6 Question

Hi Irv - 
I'm seeking your wisdom again.  Here's the problem - I've taken the 6 out 
numerour times since you were nice enough to proclaim it sound.  Most of the 
trips were of the 10 minute drive variety as I took it on an errand.  However 
the two times I have had it out for about a half an hour, here's what 
happens: the temp gauge starts showing hot (uncomfortably close to the red 
line), I seem to have lost some of the oomph when I am accelerating, when I 
take that car out of gear as it is rolling it slows much more quickly than it 
does normally, and most disturbingly, a fine, light white smoke begins to 
emerge.  So today, on my way home from work, these symptoms arise again.  The 
radiator and the overflow bottle are full, oil level is good so I'm guessing 
it's not those.  So, I hurry home praying for no stoplights.   When I pull in 
to my parking spot, I leave the car running and pop the hood.  Then I notice 
that the smoke seems to be coming from the right front wheel well and there 
is a great heat eminating from the wheel area (more so than from the other 
three wheels).  Any clue as to what this could be?  None of these symptoms 
show up when I have the car out for only short trips.  I'm stumped, but I'd 
like to diagnose the ailment.
As always, 
thank you!
Paula Keats



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