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Re: TR6 Question

Subject: Re: TR6 Question
From: Bill Kelly <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 01:23:57 -0400
References: <>

Don't know whether you've received any private responses, but here's a
public one. One of your brake pads is binding against the rotor. When
you step on the brakes, enormous pressure is applied by the hydraulics
to push the pads against the rotor. When you release the brakes, the
only force to push the pads back is the slight wobble of the rotor.
Difference is at least 1000:1, so as the tendency to bind develops,
brakes will tend to stick 'on', generating heat and smoke. I've had this
happen on a '74 Datsun and an '89 Pontiac Grand Prix.

Hopefully, something is binding the pads. like the Datsun. Worst case
($$$) the piston inside the caliper is binding, like the Grand Prix. You
or someone are/is going to have to have a look at the front brakes.

As for the temperature issues, 1) heat make things expand - something
that's free to move when it's cool can bind when it's hot, and 2) your
gauge shows engine coolant temperature. It's probably unrelated to
what's going on at the wheel, and you could have a second problem.

Good luck,
Bill Kelly
'62 Herald
'68 TR250 wrote:
> I'm seeking your wisdom again.  Here's the problem - I've taken the 6 out
> numerour times since you were nice enough to proclaim it sound.  Most of the
> trips were of the 10 minute drive variety as I took it on an errand.  However
> the two times I have had it out for about a half an hour, here's what
> happens: the temp gauge starts showing hot (uncomfortably close to the red
> line), I seem to have lost some of the oomph when I am accelerating, when I
> take that car out of gear as it is rolling it slows much more quickly than it
> does normally, and most disturbingly, a fine, light white smoke begins to
> emerge.  So today, on my way home from work, these symptoms arise again.  The
> radiator and the overflow bottle are full, oil level is good so I'm guessing
> it's not those.  So, I hurry home praying for no stoplights.   When I pull in
> to my parking spot, I leave the car running and pop the hood.  Then I notice
> that the smoke seems to be coming from the right front wheel well and there
> is a great heat eminating from the wheel area (more so than from the other
> three wheels).  Any clue as to what this could be?  None of these symptoms
> show up when I have the car out for only short trips.  I'm stumped, but I'd
> like to diagnose the ailment.
> As always,
> thank you!
> Paula Keats

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