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Re: Participation

To: "''' '" <>, "Jim Hill" <>
Subject: Re: Participation
From: "Mark the Shark" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 00:21:42 -0400charset="Windows-1252"
Cc: "Wedge List" <>
References: <>
Being a former MGB owner I'm always a little p***ed off when I pass one by
and I wave and get nothing in return.  Most LBC owners will wave no matter
what LBC your driving.  Just common courtesy.  There aren't that many LBC's
out there and when I run across one it's always a pleasure to see it on the
road.  What I find especially irritating is when a fellow Triumph owner
doesn't wave.  Yes, it does happen.  When you own a Wedge there are still
many Triumph owners who don't consider it a REAL Triumph.  Well considering
the TR2-TR6  bodies were designed either by Michelotti or Karmann and the
humble Wedge was designed in house by Triumph who's car is more Triumph I
ask you?  :-)  Okay, Harris Mann may have had his roots in another B/L

I can just feel the flames.

Mark Ascherl
1981 TR8 DHC FI
Raleigh, NC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Hill" <>
To: "''' '" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 11:42 PM
Subject: RE: Participation

> Although I've never been a big MGB fan (a nice TC would be a different
> story, of course), I think you're being a bit hard on these chaps.
> For whatever reason, there are a number of MGB drivers who are NOT really
> "MG People". They are something quite different - they're people who just
> happen to "have an MG". The person you encountered probably didn't notice
> the wave or didn't have any idea what it was supposed to mean.
> On the other hand, I can't think of a single TR owner who wasn't a true
> "Triumph person" (loves his/her car, knows a lot about it, wants to know
> more, and bought it not because it was a "cute little car" but because it
> was a Triumph).
> Interesting that this subject should come up, as the Healey list has just
> gone through a lengthy and occasionally ornery debate about the current
> pecking order of who waves to whom! Is there a single TR driver out there
> who wouldn't automatically wave at another Triumph, no matter what, or who
> wouldn't return a wave - no matter what kind of car it came from?
> Jim Hill
> Madison WI
> -----Original Message-----
> Brian Furgalus wrote:
> Just the other day, I passed a late rubber-bumpered MGB on the street and,
> since I was in the TR7, I felt obligated to wave.  The guy totally ignored
> me, actually looked the other way!  That is the first time that's ever
> happened to me.  For some reason MGB people insist on believing that the
> was responsible for causing the collapse of the entire BL organization.
> That's assanine!  It's that mentality that makes me dislike the majority
> MGB owners.
> Brian

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