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RE: Participation

To: "''' '" <>
Subject: RE: Participation
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 22:42:35 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1"

Although I've never been a big MGB fan (a nice TC would be a different
story, of course), I think you're being a bit hard on these chaps.

For whatever reason, there are a number of MGB drivers who are NOT really
"MG People". They are something quite different - they're people who just
happen to "have an MG". The person you encountered probably didn't notice
the wave or didn't have any idea what it was supposed to mean.

On the other hand, I can't think of a single TR owner who wasn't a true
"Triumph person" (loves his/her car, knows a lot about it, wants to know
more, and bought it not because it was a "cute little car" but because it
was a Triumph).

Interesting that this subject should come up, as the Healey list has just
gone through a lengthy and occasionally ornery debate about the current
pecking order of who waves to whom! Is there a single TR driver out there
who wouldn't automatically wave at another Triumph, no matter what, or who
wouldn't return a wave - no matter what kind of car it came from?

Jim Hill
Madison WI

-----Original Message-----
Brian Furgalus wrote:

Just the other day, I passed a late rubber-bumpered MGB on the street and,
since I was in the TR7, I felt obligated to wave.  The guy totally ignored
me, actually looked the other way!  That is the first time that's ever
happened to me.  For some reason MGB people insist on believing that the TR7
was responsible for causing the collapse of the entire BL organization.
That's assanine!  It's that mentality that makes me dislike the majority of
MGB owners.


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