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Re: Participation

To: David Massey <>
Subject: Re: Participation
From: "Larry R. Metz" <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 21:00:10 -0500
Cc: Brian Furgalus <>, "Arakelian, Peter" <>, "''" <>
Organization: @Home Network
References: <>
Come on guys, in the old days, (they tell me) the VW owners were a
waiving friendly group, since they were so rare.  The English cars group
were a friendly group that waived, we just need to teach the present
generation of this friendlier much in the modern time that we
can not trust anyone, and we do not even know our neighbors.  Friendly
people seem to breakdown this and get friendly responses if we all try.


David Massey wrote:
> Message text written by Brian Furgalus
> >I wholeheartedly agree with you on this point.  Just the other day, I
> passed a late rubber-bumpered MGB on the street and, since I was in the
> TR7, I felt obligated to wave.  The guy totally ignored me, actually
> looked the other way!  That is the first time that's ever happened to
> me.  For some reason MGB people insist on believing that the TR7 was
> responsible for causing the collapse of the entire BL organization.
> That's assanine!  It's that mentality that makes me dislike the majority
> of MGB owners.
> Brian
> <
> Brian,
> Do not be too harsh on them for they know not what they do.  Yes, I've
> heard that line of reasoning; "They KILLED the MG just to prop up they
> failing TR7" but that's just wishful thinking on their part.  The MG was
> lamblasted in the late 70's for not being up to date.  I remember one quote
> in C&D or R&T than called the MGB "the only replicar to never go out of
> production."
> Don't get me wrong.  I think MG's are fun cars.  I just happen to think
> that Triumphs are MORE fun.
> Dave (former MG owner)
> 57 TR3
> 71 TR6
> 80 TR8

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