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Re: Silicone caution(?) [Was: Softening old Rubber]

Subject: Re: Silicone caution(?) [Was: Softening old Rubber]
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 18:46:47 EDT
In a message dated 4/28/00 5:52:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Butch-
    You are absolutely correct.  Those nasty little droplets floating
 around the soon-to-be-painted cars will cause 'fisheyes' when you apply the
 paint >>

Yes you are both correct!  

The auto detailing shop a few doors down from me first washes the car and 
engine, then sprays the tires with silicone.  They do this (spray the tires) 
100 ft or more downwind from where the next stage is done, which is to apply 
the polish and clean the interior, then the glass.

Their reasoning is that the silicone causes fisheyes in the polish and they 
have to start over.

We painted the spit racecar here and were less than 100 ft, but thought we 
were upwind, and yes, there were fisheyes everywhere, about 1/8 inch in 
diameter!  Had to clean, sand and touchup a lot of areas.  All from little 
droplets of spray!

Jacksonville, FL
60 TR3A
73 TR6
Spit Racer (well, almost)

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