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RE: starting a new 6 engine

To: "G Spencer" <>
Subject: RE: starting a new 6 engine
From: David Massey <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 18:20:08 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "G Spencer"
>  As I tried to start the engine up, I second guessed myself, and took the

valve cover off, and watched the valves on #1 (assuming that intake is 
closest to the front of the car and opens first) I waited for #1 to open 
then close, thinking that the firing should happen then, just before the 
exaust opens and rotated the dizzy until it was lined up with #1 then, this

I take is is WRONG.  Should I just go back to where it was, or was I wrong 
there also?

Thanks a lot,


You had everything right except that the firing occurs after half a
revolution of both valves being closed.  This is the compression stroke. 
You don't get compression with the valves open.

At the same time as #1 is rising in the compression stroke (with both
valves closed) #6 (which moves up and down in unison with #1) is in it's
exhaust stroke and the exhaust valve is open.  the #6 exhaust valve is the
rear most valve.

After firing #1 is in the power stroke and the piston is moving down.  The
#6 piston is also moving down but the intake valve is open drawing air/fuel
mixture for it's power stroke sometime in the future.

I hope this clarifies things.


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