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Question re: TR6 brake hazard switch leaking

To: Steve Skolnik <>
Subject: Question re: TR6 brake hazard switch leaking
From: David Massey <>
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 00:33:11 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by Steve Skolnik
>A technical question that doubtless many of you can answer with little
thought:  As brake fluid is leaking (slowly) from the nylon brake hazard
switch mounted on the pressure equalizer block (or whatever you call it),
does this mean that the seals in the pressure equalizer are bad, or just
nylon switch itself?  The switch costs little, while the whole assembly is
worth many more samolians.

TIA, Steve Skolnik

The nylon switch is not intended to hold back fluid so obviously the seals
are leaking.  If you take the big nut off of the end you can extract the
shuttle and acquire new seals for much less than a new PDWA but you will
likely have to remoe it from the car and clamp it in a vice to get the plug
off and then you will likely have to rap the unit against the work shop
table to get the shuttle out.  But if you replace it you will have to
rebleed anyway so what do you have to loose?


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