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Re: Advice on proper way to start car

Subject: Re: Advice on proper way to start car
From: "Frank & Sandy Crowe" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 04:46:53 GMT
DRSkruffy wrote:  >>Interesting. I have a 2002 BMW motor that was rebuilt, 
balanced almost 15 years ago, then driven a couple thousand miles and parked 
inside. Hasn't been started since.<<<

Funny, after I wrote the original reply, this afternoon I went out and tried 
to start MY 2002 that had been sitting around.  It is a wreck that I picked 
up last week for a song - has new rearend and driveline, relatively new 
5-speed (wish I had one in my TR3!)and a hot engine with dual Weber 40DCOEs! 
  It's the donor for our family '71 that desperately need the rearend and 
drive line and would love to have the 5-speed.  The more I get thinking 
about it, I'm going to put the engine in also, IF it runs well.

It was wrecked two years ago and has been sitting every since.  Went through 
the excercise and car turn over, but mechanical oil pressure guage shows no 
pressure.  Darn.  Pump has sat so long it won't prime.  Now I have to think 
about that a little.  Oh well.

The original message was that his engine had been turned over a little since 
abandonment, so didn't worry about stuck rings - but thanks for mentioning 
that.  We had to do exactly that and rock the engine back and forth to break 
the rings loose on a tractor that had been sitting for about 5 years.  And 
the surface rust, well, lets just say that it is used to lap the rings in 
real good before it gets washed into the oil filter......

     '59 TR3
     '71 BMW2002
     '51 Internation Cub tractor
        and another '71 '02, parts donor.

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