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RE: TR-3A pinion oil seal

To: "Bob Labuz" <>, "Scott Weldin" <>
Subject: RE: TR-3A pinion oil seal
From: "Mark Gendron" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 08:12:17 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
Importance: Normal
When installing seals and other such parts, I have found it 
helpful to put them in the freezer for several hours before 
installing them. This will shrink the seal slightly, making 
it easier to install. Be sure to wipe any condensation from 
the seal prior to installation. 

If you're REALLY adventurous, you can gently heat the axle 
casing around the seal. Don't overdo it; you're just seeking 
to warm it enough to get that extra thousandth-of-an-inch 
or so. 

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