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Re: Further ?'s on TR3 diff guts removal

To: "Andy Dixon" <>
Subject: Re: Further ?'s on TR3 diff guts removal
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 23:27:16 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "List Triumph" <>
References: <>
Hi Andy

> Now, I plan on putting the guts from the housing currently on the car into
> the one I just emptied (Chipped pinion tooth on the one I just emptied,
> otherwise I'd be done).

I don't recall seing why you are going to change the guts from one to the
other, is it not feasable to rebuild the diff from the car, as this will be
by far the easiest route.

> Will the bearings from the one currently in the car be OK (I think I know
> the answer (I'm not sure I want to hear it), or should I change them all?
> I want to keep them about how much play should there be between the inner
> race and the cage?

No fit new bearings and seals, all of them including the output shafts.

> If I change the bearings, does anyone have a trick for measuring the
> head bearing spacers? I don't have a dummy pinion gear or "bar-stop
> that goes from side to side.

You can measure the height of the pinion from the back of the case, I used a
1/2" ground plate, with a hole drilled in the middle to pass the pin of a
depth micrometer through. Using this technique you can fit the new bearings
to the pinion and measure the height, do the maths and add the right amount
of shims to set the height, I was advised to err on the high side by about a
couple of thousandths of an inch, to allow for bedding in.

This technique only works if you re use the original case for the gears, I
don't remember whether there is any way to measure the heights of any thing
else in there to see if the cases are the same, so you could swap cases, it
would rely on finding the heights of the crown wheel carrier to make the
comparison between the two cases, then some more maths to take into account
the difference between the back flange of the cases. From there it may be
possible to fit the guts into the other case if it is absolutely neccessary.

> Thanks,
> Andy
> '59 TR3A

I did one diff just to prove I could do it, I never want to do it again, I
will pay and get a warranty next time, though there is nothing the matter
with the one I did, I do worry some times as I had to make compromises with
certain bits, my cage was slightly out side the tolerances for run out and I
didn't have a better one, I do still have a slight whine from the unit but
it is quieter than before the rebuild.
If you need any more help please let me know.


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