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The other woman vs. the wife

To: Cliff Hansen <>
Subject: The other woman vs. the wife
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 17:50:11 -0500
Cc: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Valerie Hansen writes:

On to a question:  When I drive the car, I have to pull the seat 
forward quite a bit so that I can reach the pedals.  I am a little 
on the short side.  When I do this, my right knee tends to get 
mashed into the console-thingy (nice, accurate term).  Do any 
of you think I might have better luck with a different model?  
Or should I just go with a Miata?  Cliff is always looking for 
a two-seater for me.  

Valerie Hansen


You didn't say what model you do have.  My wife is "a little on the 
short side" but has no trouble with "HER" TR3.


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