I wish Cliff could finish the other woman this weekend. Here in
Albuquerque we have had 60+ degree weather. Oh, it would be a
blast to zip around with the top down. When he bought her,
I knew what we were getting into. I was given my own key, too.
That tends to surprise men. Friends often joke and ask if I ever
get to drive "Cliff's little car". I just show them my key and
On to a question: When I drive the car, I have to pull the seat
forward quite a bit so that I can reach the pedals. I am a little
on the short side. When I do this, my right knee tends to get
mashed into the console-thingy (nice, accurate term). Do any
of you think I might have better luck with a different model?
Or should I just go with a Miata? Cliff is always looking for
a two-seater for me.
Valerie Hansen
Cliff Hansen