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Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool

To: "Radley, Jack" <JackR@SHRIVERCO.COM>
Subject: Re: $21,500 for a TR6 - Who is the fool
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 07:58:21 -0700
Cc: "''" <>, "''" <>
References: <>
Your comments (to me at least) are right on!  I am one of those fools
that likes to get down and dirty with his cars.  My son is not.  But we
both enjoy our Triumphs and that's all that really counts! 

I would never slam someone who's motivation is only to drive the cars,
because when it comes right down to it, that's really what it's all
about!  (That and the camaraderie of meeting and talking to others who
share our passion)

Joe Curry

P.S. I have mixed emotions about the increasing prices of the cars.  I
love to buy low but it is nice to see the values go up!

"Radley, Jack" wrote:
> Jim:
> I agree with your sentiments.  I looked at about a dozen or more TR6's a
> little over a year ago.  Price ranges all over the place.  I knew what I
> wanted, but more importantly I knew what I didn't want.  When I narrowed it
> all down and did the numbers (although I have learned this list doesn't like
> numbers), the less expensive cars were going to cost more than I wanted to
> spend to get them where I wanted to be.
> Right when I had given up looking, I was tipped off about a TR6 with 6,057
> original miles.  The car was 100% original down to the tires.  While I paid
> top dollar ($15,000), my problems have been few.  The only real problem I
> have had was a bad master cylinder.  The rest has been preventative (hoses,
> belts, etc.) and cosmetic (clean up, polish, etc.).
> I had no interest in endless nights working on a rusted hulk, or incurring
> large bills for outside work.  I have been declared impassionate about TR's
> and a rank TR amateur by the list (see TRF dialogue), but for my money I
> have a TR6 that has won 1st place in the two shows I attended and a car that
> gave me a little over 3,000 miles of recreation.
> I am not slamming those who wish to rework a car.  In a way I wish I had the
> knowledge, time, money and guts to do it.  Different strokes for different
> folks.
> If that guy spent $21,500 on a turn key "perfect" car that he wanted, more
> power to him.  I bought my TR6 because I always wanted one from my high
> school/college days but couldn't afford one.  Now, $15,000 for exactly what
> I want is a better deal than a 1999 comparable offering.  If I keep the car
> 10,20,30 years was the $15,000 the right price?
> Truth is, if the TR6 market were to pick up, those who slam the guy would
> benefit.
> Can't wait to see who I offended (cause none was intended........).

"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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