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Re: Mid Ohio Triumph Panorama

Subject: Re: Mid Ohio Triumph Panorama
From: "Keith A. Edwards" <>
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 07:36:28 -0500
Cc: "T. R. Householder" <>, john donohoe <>
References: <> <>
I confirmed that it was 1992 when Triumph was the featured marque at
Mid-Ohio's vintage race (I checked the date on my T-shirt).

I had my yellow TR3B racecar there, though I didn't drive it (nor did it
make the panoramic photo).

Tom H. graciously let me park my car at his house in Lancaster, for the
week between the Triumph Register of America National Meet and Mid-Ohio.

Keith Edwards 
Suffolk, VA
"Oh, what a tangled Web site we weave when first we practice."
4.5 TRs

"T. R. Householder" wrote:
> We set this up as the 40 year celebration of the beginning the Triunph
> Sports series (1952-1992). We need to do it again, How about Watkins
> Glenn. Someone jump on this for 2002. One Thing that made it so
> successful was taking two years to set it up. Not to leave out all the
> great Triumph people out there.
> This photo is great. It has a lot of history. I built #40 in about 10
> weeks,start to stop, just before the race. Jim Shefield raced it for me.
> I wanted to prove that a stocker and a good driver could compete. The
> car preformed quite well even with the not up to snuff brake system.
> (needed more time)
>  Someone get on it.
> T.R.
> john donohoe wrote:
> >
> > Did I miss something here about panoramic photos? I've
> > got the BW proof print that was made at Mid Ohio
> > (thought it was '91) whenTriumphs ruled.
> >
> > Have a look at
> >
> > I have since tried to track down Crabtree
> > Photographics to no avail. I could afford a color
> > print now, but can't find one!
> >
> > (btw I'm sitting on the pit wall--after having helped
> > push TRF's engineless TRS onto the grid--in the proof
> > but not in the final color shot which is why I begged
> > for and got the proof. It's the absolute only one of
> > its kind!)
> >
> > Could you kindly reitierate (off list okay) this
> > panoramic thread?
> >
> > Thanks
> > John Donohoe
> > '70 GT6+ KC81718
> >
> > --- "T. R. Householder" <>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > All the Panorams' are here. When we've inventoried
> > > Georges'. We'll start
> > > on Mid-Ohio in "92".Somebody counted them, I just
> > > forgot How many.
> > > Thanks to everyone who made all the pictures great.
> > > Wallpaper might have
> > > been cheaper.. But not as satisfying to look at.
> > > Anyone out there in the one taken at the Ambassador
> > > Hotel in Jan. !954??
> > >
> > > T.R.
> > >
> >
> > Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
> >

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