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Re: Mid Ohio Triumph Panorama

Subject: Re: Mid Ohio Triumph Panorama
From: john donohoe <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 14:03:33 -0800 (PST)

Did I miss something here about panoramic photos? I've
got the BW proof print that was made at Mid Ohio
(thought it was '91) whenTriumphs ruled.

Have a look at

I have since tried to track down Crabtree
Photographics to no avail. I could afford a color
print now, but can't find one!

(btw I'm sitting on the pit wall--after having helped
push TRF's engineless TRS onto the grid--in the proof
but not in the final color shot which is why I begged
for and got the proof. It's the absolute only one of
its kind!)

Could you kindly reitierate (off list okay) this
panoramic thread?

John Donohoe
'70 GT6+ KC81718

--- "T. R. Householder" <>
> All the Panorams' are here. When we've inventoried
> Georges'. We'll start
> on Mid-Ohio in "92".Somebody counted them, I just
> forgot How many.
> Thanks to everyone who made all the pictures great.
> Wallpaper might have
> been cheaper.. But not as satisfying to look at.
> Anyone out there in the one taken at the Ambassador
> Hotel in Jan. !954??
> T.R.

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