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Re: "5" prefix on 4A in Canada

To: "Johnnystorm" <>
Subject: Re: "5" prefix on 4A in Canada
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 02:01:30 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
> Funny that Maltese build made them 'kosher' (ahem) for Arabs, seeing as
>malta has been the starting point for many a crusade!

Ah, my little pun was not overlooked then?

> tra for now, Johnny   P.S, you're up a bit late aren't you Jonmac?:-)

Mmm. I get home late after slaving all day for the ungrateful (and directed by 
unknowing for a pittance) to find some loon put a helicopter through a power 
cable and
there's no light or heat of ANY sort. Have had to stay up to get warm by 
warming my
posterior in front of a birthday cake candle and now some obliging lineman is 
up a pole
holding two cable ends together so I can assess activities in the Triumph arena 
on a
global basis. I'm now going to my hole in the ground, heap of leaves and fresh 
moss for
long overdue rest and slumber.

BTW - where have you been all these weeks? Someone was asking about you the 
other day at
Gaydon but I can't remember what for.


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