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Re: "5" prefix on a TR4a in Canada

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: "5" prefix on a TR4a in Canada
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 13:28:46 -0700
References: <005901bf56e1$b69c7340$b1580440@dt>
Dave Terrick wrote:

> Finally,  in absence of other information (and I suspect I'll need to break
> down and gab a BMHIT certificate),  my car was built in Malta (Thanks Joe C,
> I also found your list post on the archive).  Just where the @#$@# is
> Malta?!?

An island (actually several I think) in the Mediterranean just aways south of
Sicily.  Not a big place, perhaps 100 square miles.

Did I read somewhere that there was a scheme by which British cars were run thru
Malta prior to delivery somewhere else?  Can't recall why this was done.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A
Tucson AZ

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