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Re: rust, and bondo, and magnets, oh my!

To: Estlin <>
Subject: Re: rust, and bondo, and magnets, oh my!
From: Susan and John Roper <>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 12:22:57 -0500
Cc: tri umph <>
Organization: Vintage Sporting Cars
References: <>
You want a weak magnet.  Strong magnet might stick even tho there is
bondo between it and the steel.  John

Estlin wrote:

> > Do I use a real powerful magent?
> Well I would assume that you would use the most
> powerful magnet that you cand find. Those cheap
> refridgerator ones are not really that good. A lot of
> time the magnet side can be dirty and not wor all that
> well.
> > What should it 'feel' like when I hit bondo?
> Bondo has no metal in it so it shouldn't stick.
> Good Luck,
> Estlin
> Bid and sell for free at

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