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Re: Floor Pan Rust Removal

To: F Underwood <>
Subject: Re: Floor Pan Rust Removal
From: Fergie <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 12:54:52 -0400
References: <> <>
Am I correct in my understanding that POR-15 is intended to be literally
painted over rust? In other words, If I have surface rust and use this
stuff, will it neutralize and protect against future problems? How bad can
the rust be and still be "fixed" by this product? I have a couple of areas
on my '3 that have minor rust and was planning to use POR. Thanks.

F Underwood wrote:

> Chris
> What you will find with POR 15  ( BTW- Paint Over Rust formula 15)
> is that it is expensive- $30 a quart; .....

Michael Ferguson
1959 TR3A     TS53990L

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