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RE: Is MIG safe for suspension mount

Subject: RE: Is MIG safe for suspension mount
From: Gernot Vonhoegen <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 16:50:24 +0100

> ----------
> From:         Davies William-qswi646[]
> Reply To:     Davies William-qswi646
> Sent:         Thursday, August 19, 1999 1:47 PM
> To:
> Subject:      RE: Is MIG safe for suspension mount
> I remember many years back reading an article in one of the DIY orientated
> Classic Car mags about the pros and cons of various welds. What stuck in
> my
> mind was the statement that a MIG weld typically has 80% of the strength
> of
> an arc weld. Would anyone feel qualified to comment on this?
>       Regards,
>               Bill (who's chassis' are all MIG welded)>
        Basically correct, the metal is thick enough to be welded with an
average arc welder. However, if you can weld with a mig you don't
necessarily can weld with an arc welder. So if you have and can use, if not
don't as its very easy to make crap arc welds. 


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