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Subject: vendors
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:44:24 +0100
From: Fred Thomas <Listers, yesterday a new vendor was recommended to the list
in Macedon
N.Y., just a reply about his service so far, I called on Tue afternoon
about a orig. gen, "give me your name and # & I call you back, today I
called about another part, "yes I'll be handling that myself, so let me
have your name & #, I'll call you back on Moday or Tuesday, not next
week but the following week, well sir I need the parts now, Oh O/K I'll
call you back, I'm still waiting for the phone to ring, but, thats just
1 day plus about 8 hours, must be nice to have so much business.   "FT

Fred, I'm glad you posted this comment, as I was considering doing the same, but
didin't want to sound like sour grapes.  I visited this fellows junk yard a
couple years ago when i was visiting family in Rochester and was quite
dissapointed in his attitude and pricing. He really soaked me on a set of side
curtin frames ($150 for rusty frames) that I had to have right away as my
brother in law has a canvas shop there and had volunteered to fix them up for me
while I was in town. It's fun to walk around the grounds and look and all, but
he's still pricing parts like there's no replicas available.  I guess you'll
just have to drive to Rochester and wait like I did!  Point is, IMHO, there are
much better vendors out there.  Yes, I know its nice that people are saving
these parts and cars for recycling, but after all, they ARE a business and as
such should treat the customer with due respect.

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