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Re: body tub needed...

To: Jim <>
Subject: Re: body tub needed...
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 13:50:16 -0700
Cc: Triumphs List <>
References: <>
Geeez, Jim!  You are replacing the frame, now the tub....  There ain't
much left, guy!


Jim wrote:
> Alas folks, it appears it's time to just bite the bullet and go for a
> tub.
> After a careful survey (wouldn't it have been grand if I'd have looked
> closer initially?) it's time to just admit defeat and replace the tub.
> The A posts, the a panels, the sills, the rockers, the floor pans, the
> boot floor, the inner sills, all of it is junque.
> Methinks that having this stuff removed and mig'd back in place (with
> the inherent risks of misalignment) is just not worth it.
> SO!!
> Who has one for sale within a reasonable distance of Rochester, New
> Yawk?
> I know, define reasonable distance.
> Also, reasonable price would be nice as well.
> Jim
> --
> Rawchester, Neu Yawk
> Sptifire MkII  FC68436L  Red, what else?

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