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body tub needed...

To: Triumphs List <>
Subject: body tub needed...
From: Jim <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 15:54:36 -0400
Alas folks, it appears it's time to just bite the bullet and go for a
After a careful survey (wouldn't it have been grand if I'd have looked
closer initially?) it's time to just admit defeat and replace the tub.
The A posts, the a panels, the sills, the rockers, the floor pans, the
boot floor, the inner sills, all of it is junque.
Methinks that having this stuff removed and mig'd back in place (with
the inherent risks of misalignment) is just not worth it.
Who has one for sale within a reasonable distance of Rochester, New
I know, define reasonable distance.
Also, reasonable price would be nice as well.


Rawchester, Neu Yawk
Sptifire MkII  FC68436L  Red, what else?

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