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Re: * Abandon Ship *

To: "Wayne Brazinski" <>, <>
Subject: Re: * Abandon Ship *
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 23:38:48 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"

It sounds like you have a blowen headgasket. To check, remove the radiator
cap than start the engine. if you see bubbles its the gasket.

Good Luck
Bob Kamholtz
-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Brazinski <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 23:15
Subject: * Abandon Ship *

>Well maybe not quite!  Thanks to some list based help I got the old TR3A
>running!  Yikes!
>Here's the problem.  After about 5 mins (or less) the radiator overflows
>water comes out of the overflow pipe.  The cap never seems to get that hot,
>but the thermostat housing does.  Temperature on the gauge (never verified)
>rises quickly past the middle.  I don't think I have run it long enough to
>see it stabilize yet.  I just rebuilt from the head up, and I'm pretty sure
>the head gasket is on the right way.  All the radiator hoses are new.  I
>think the valve to the heater is open.  Could I have an air pocket or
>something.  Refilled the radiator to within one inch of the top.  Any
>Thanks a bunch!

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