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Re: TR6 Clutch

To: gspens <>,
Subject: Re: TR6 Clutch
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 11:36:49 -0600
Organization: Barely enough
References: <>
gspens wrote:
> What is the advantage of a hydraulic clutch?  Is it the old more parts
> to wear out faster bit, or is there a reason?  Just wondering, I mean
> the pedal is right there, it seems like a lot of trouble to run that
> whole hydraulic system.
>     Just wondering.

Sometimes it's a matter of geometry. At the time the cars were being
produced, cable-operated clutch linkage was not common, nor particularly
reliable, and the need for right- and left-hand drive cars created a
considerable problem if a bellcrank and rod linkage was used for the
clutch arm actuation. Hydraulics solved that problem nicely. 

Beyond that, hydraulics have the reputation for being smooth and capable
of a fair amount of force multiplication, easing pedal application
pressure, although they are a bit more expensive to purchase, they are
definitely easier to engineer and install, particularly for variable
pedal position.


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