I did the same thing. I got a set from my local autoparts store. and
tried the
bubble flare. The results where the same as you describe. The pipe does
seal. If you want, you can buy brake line with a bubble flare, but it has
metric fittings at both ends. you can cut the tubing to length, replace the
metric fitting with your own, and flare the other end and bend to shape.
The metric tubing is the same as the 3/16 stuff. (good looking flares)
NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: borgstede@umsl.edu
Brian Borgstede I
Telecommunications Engineer, I '68 Triumph
University of Missouri, St. Louis I
Instructional Technology Center I TR-250
Phone: (314) 516-6433 I (or 2 or more)
Fax: (314) 516-5294 I