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Re: Reverse Gear on a '74 TR6

To:, TR6 List <>
Subject: Re: Reverse Gear on a '74 TR6
From: Jim Davis <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 19:42:12 -0400
References: <l03130300b3bf7c874daa@[]> <> <>
Ed and others,
        I don't know why some folks think the shift lever on a TR6 is supposed
to be pulled up to properly engage reverse. Please explain it to me. The
owners manual reprinted in the Bentley manual reads under the heading
Gear Shift Lever(27):
"Moving the gear shift lever from neutral, the gear positions are as
        Reverse .. Move the lever sharply to the extreme right and rearward.
Engage only when the vehicle is stationary."
        Now if it were necessary to pull up on the shift lever, one would think
the writers of the owners manual would have mentioned it. If some one
can provide empirical evidence to the contrary, please do so and I will
admit humbly to being wrong. Until then, if you 'gotta pull up on your
TR6 shift lever to properly engage reverse, you have a problem. Maybe a
small adjustment problem, but a problem all the same.
        By the way, did you hear about the guy who slipped spanish fly to his
date at a drive-in and.....
Jim Davis
Fortson, GA
CF37325U wrote:
> Jim,
> The man is correct. It is designed to be pulled up, before being moved
> to the right. Most of us just hit it hard enough to go over the step.
> Ed Woods

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